Saturday, November 9, 2013

...continued thankfulness

continued thankfulness...
5. Extended family/ friends- On #4 I vaguely said family, but really all church family, friends close and distance through the years that shaped my life.  Even during the hardest times, I look back and see where the Lord has placed a handful of people that were used during that time of my life.  His hand of protection and guidance has made the bumpy parts of life smooth.  So that leads me to #6. 
6. The Bible, the living word, the Lords promises and the inherent word of God.  God does not lie, his ways are not our ways.  We don't have to  know the HOW and WHY on everything, just the WHO.  
7. Our Country and it's foundation.  We have been reading a lot on the foundation, principles and the men whom were apart of the beginning of America in history.  I have come to appreciate more and more the work they did.
8. Veterans and Military men and women- Thank you!
9. All service professions.  In every facet and degree of public service.  Thank you for your service and dedication!

10.  Okay here is my spiritual side... lol... Java, it is a blessing to pull all nighters or early starts.  If all the chores, laundry, sorting, scrubbing can be completed overnight with school set out for AM, dinner already in the crockpot, and breakfast on the table... it makes for an awesome day, with a big thanks to java.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One of the things I've been putting off getting is an easel like this...

Most are cheaply made, but this is sturdy and has the paper roll= *bonus!  I entered a giveaway for one; it would be even better to win one.  However, I won't snatch all the fun though.  Here is a link for you to enter for yourself.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November "The Proclamation of our Thankfulness" Month

Okay, okay this is more difficult than anticipated... not the writing or break down of a "typical day" to share with family.  However, it is very difficult to actually sit down and do it.  Most "free" moments could be easily filled with laundry, spot cleaning, an extra mopping or washing of walls/ doors.  ;)  Yet, it is an extra blessing to meditate on humorous moments, sweet smiles, and heart captivating chats!  I have decided I will participate in the blog "Thankfulness month" theme. 

1. Salvation: There is nothing that compares to the value of knowing the one whom not only created me, but sent his son to die for my sins.  To personally know I have a home in heaven awaiting me... a mansion.  To be able to meet my Lord and savior!  There is nothing more comforting when someone passes to know you will meet them again in eternity!  My family can rest assure the old account was settled! 

2. My husband:  He works so hard to provide for our family.  He is the best husband and father he can be.  It is so precious to see him serve and his desire to serve the Lord, I am so grateful!

3. My children: The verse  "Ps 127:3  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." proves its worth everyday in our home!  In a nutshell, I love being a mommy!  It is such a blessing from the Lord.   What a goodly heritage to be blessed with a houseful of boys!

4. My families: We have been blessed in so many ways from family!  All through our lives at different seasons and during different portions of our lives we have been blessed by family, including church family!  Thank you, we love you!  I love you ~ Kerry  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A few things to pass a long I know my family and friends will enjoy!

As you know we love KFC!  Here is a coupon I thought I'd pass along to other KFC fans!
October was eye glass month in our household will pass along one of the eyeglass company ads.