Saturday, November 9, 2013

...continued thankfulness

continued thankfulness...
5. Extended family/ friends- On #4 I vaguely said family, but really all church family, friends close and distance through the years that shaped my life.  Even during the hardest times, I look back and see where the Lord has placed a handful of people that were used during that time of my life.  His hand of protection and guidance has made the bumpy parts of life smooth.  So that leads me to #6. 
6. The Bible, the living word, the Lords promises and the inherent word of God.  God does not lie, his ways are not our ways.  We don't have to  know the HOW and WHY on everything, just the WHO.  
7. Our Country and it's foundation.  We have been reading a lot on the foundation, principles and the men whom were apart of the beginning of America in history.  I have come to appreciate more and more the work they did.
8. Veterans and Military men and women- Thank you!
9. All service professions.  In every facet and degree of public service.  Thank you for your service and dedication!

10.  Okay here is my spiritual side... lol... Java, it is a blessing to pull all nighters or early starts.  If all the chores, laundry, sorting, scrubbing can be completed overnight with school set out for AM, dinner already in the crockpot, and breakfast on the table... it makes for an awesome day, with a big thanks to java.