Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So much to be thankful for!


Homeschooled or not, we educate around the clock- not just at desk work time!

As the month quickly rolled by, so did our days of school.  Each day seemed to zoom right on to the next.  Most of our days lately seem to be packed tight!  They are busy and well, just full.  Then this week came; there seemed to be so much to do... yet I changed the priority list.  I am so thankful for family that knows how my house has looked.  I have a confession.... shhhh ;)  When we had one child you could lick the floors, maybe even toilet (I'm not promoting or saying its healthy)  but our home was that clean.  We moved up from the south (sniff.. sniff) and I just didn't want any more than we needed.  Boxes seemed to sit unpacked and I thought what a waste!  As more children came the home seemed less important to be "spotless".   Needless to say our home is clean, but not "hotel- like" anymore.  With a busy home and busy school days, the chores get done. ;)  Well this last month we've been doing school on Saturdays too when my hubby works. 

!Popeye Snowball Thrower!
   On Monday my hubby called and suggested taking the week off!  All the kids, but one said yay!  Needless to say, it has been a great week!  We relaxed, baked cookies, (3 kinds so far), played in the snow, played in the hay, made forts, they had a pj get comfortable & read day, and just lots of plain old had fun!  Oh, I missed that!  My kids are so sweet and special!  Please do not get me wrong, I miss working with great people and investing in other peoples lives.  Yet, the Lord has a different work for me right now.  The best investment I can make is in them!  What a blessing to be a mommy.  I love it so much and I get to see them enjoy life with their siblings! 

Friends for life includes brothers ;)
As most of you are family and friends, I would like to ask you to pray for our family and all that God has in store for our future!  We love you and covet your prayers. Thank you!
We ALL like the kitchen sweets and treats!

Thankfulness wrap up...

18. Education- we are so blessed to have freedom in education and a variety of learning styles and methods to choose from.  (At a click of a mouse it can easily be to our home within the week.)
19.  My hubby, he isn't just a husband but a man that loves the Lord.  He chooses to serve for a higher purpose.  That is a huge blessing to us.  ;-)
20. Our oldest leader.  He is so sweet and hard working.  To see him find something he strives for and to just work hard at it to do the best he can.  If he sees any need he wants to serve and help meet it; such an honor to be his mommy and see him grow. (a sniffle and tear too..)
21.  Waug- he is all boy too, but has a gentle side.  He has grown with a large desire to fill big shoes.  He seems so young to want to help so much; his heart is so sweet!
22.  B . He has been such a blessing in the kitchen lately, wanting to know how everything works.  We say he may be our scientist or inventor.  :)  Love his smile and loving heart too!
23.  Then of course mini mite!  His energy and enthusiasm is so catchy.  He loves to laugh and get others to laugh too.  So sweet to see his personality really shining the last six months or so.
24. Also for sweet Pete.  He is a tiger.  Feisty and all boy.  No mistaken he loves the outdoors too!  He is loves to sit with mommy and daddy when the other boys go to bed.  Such a sweet heart too.
25. Pastors-  I am so thankful for the men of God that have influenced my husband, myself and our boys.  We have been blessed with preachers that preach strait from the word of God!
26. Pastors wives & children- their husbands are called to preach and take a position.  Yet, they have also inherited a role to the church along with several eyes now watching their family. Yet they remain to bless so many faithfully and press on, what a bless to so many!  ;-)
27.  Nature-  If you know me I love the outdoors.  Some things have been placed on the back burner due to raising a family (with no regret); however, they still are in my heart!  I love camping (winter or summer), hiking, fishing, animals, etc.  God created so many beautiful things, I cannot get enough time in enjoying all that he's created around me.  <3

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Continued Thankfulness...

10. I'm thankful for a good heritage.  My mom and dads family were amazing growing up.  There were very few memories that did not include family.  Both of our grandparents had awesome descriptions of marriage.  Standing by your spouse through thick and thin, for better or worse.  Whether or not they know the detail of their influence; they greatly influenced my life as it is today!  I praise the Lord often for a great family network growing up and description of what family should be like!  The bible speaks of heritage (29) times, I think of a verse in psalms  "yea, I have a goodly heritage"  Ps 16:6b
11. Values and skills of women and the people that taught me those things over the years.  It is a blessing to look back and see things that I was taught early.  It is amazing to think not just of hard work, labor and character skills; but also bread making, baking, sewing, canning, gardening, etc.  Those skills have helped me so much and the time of not having to learn them was such a blessing.  Our family has benefited so much because of those skills and the women that have taught me those, thank you!  The bible talks about Godly women traits; I love Proverbs 31!  Ladies in my life have helped me learn those duties and skills.  I believe as I pray in thanks the Lord will continually bless them for doing so!!
12. Technology What a blessing to "be apart" of peoples lives from a distance.  The doors of technology have blessed me in "seeing and hearing" family news and growth over the years.  Praise the Lord, I love it and love all those babies too ;)
13. Work  Work at home never ends, but I am referring to my husbands employer.  What a great company!  The stability of a job in our country is an asset to have.  My husbands work has proven over and over up until this point to take care of their employees, it is a huge blessing and weight off our shoulders, praise the Lord!
14. Luxury.  By that I don't mean just nice things, but their availability.  Hearing missionaries, travelers, and visitors from other countries makes me so thankful.  Right now we can go anywhere and pretty much "get it our way or how we want".  We are not restricted in our country and rarely limited.  If its a purchase and you can not find it, you can get it online in  a few clicks.  Or, a late night run, even out 20 miles out of town we have a late night gas station, we really are spoiled! 
15. Health  As the days go on, I notice I do not have and "order" anymore.  Anyhow, I am thankful for good health.  At anytime the Lord giveth and taketh away.  Overall I have been spoiled.  Even through the births of our children and two emergency surgeries; God has blessed me right back to health, he has been so good to me, I am so thankful for health!

16. All that I have  In general, yes family, friends, health, home, running vehicles, etc... We most definitely are not rich in monetary funds, but definitely in Gods blessings.  I have the honor and privileged to raise my family doing what I love, teaching!  He has blessed me so much!  One cannot put a $value on that.

17. A day of worship  It is a blessing to have a place to go, a solid bible church.  Not washed out by watered down truth or music, but a place to come and worship with other believers praising our wonderful Lord and savior!  It enables me for the week with pieces to meditate, search out, or just praise him for.  Praise God for the church!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

...continued thankfulness

continued thankfulness...
5. Extended family/ friends- On #4 I vaguely said family, but really all church family, friends close and distance through the years that shaped my life.  Even during the hardest times, I look back and see where the Lord has placed a handful of people that were used during that time of my life.  His hand of protection and guidance has made the bumpy parts of life smooth.  So that leads me to #6. 
6. The Bible, the living word, the Lords promises and the inherent word of God.  God does not lie, his ways are not our ways.  We don't have to  know the HOW and WHY on everything, just the WHO.  
7. Our Country and it's foundation.  We have been reading a lot on the foundation, principles and the men whom were apart of the beginning of America in history.  I have come to appreciate more and more the work they did.
8. Veterans and Military men and women- Thank you!
9. All service professions.  In every facet and degree of public service.  Thank you for your service and dedication!

10.  Okay here is my spiritual side... lol... Java, it is a blessing to pull all nighters or early starts.  If all the chores, laundry, sorting, scrubbing can be completed overnight with school set out for AM, dinner already in the crockpot, and breakfast on the table... it makes for an awesome day, with a big thanks to java.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One of the things I've been putting off getting is an easel like this...

Most are cheaply made, but this is sturdy and has the paper roll= *bonus!  I entered a giveaway for one; it would be even better to win one.  However, I won't snatch all the fun though.  Here is a link for you to enter for yourself.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November "The Proclamation of our Thankfulness" Month

Okay, okay this is more difficult than anticipated... not the writing or break down of a "typical day" to share with family.  However, it is very difficult to actually sit down and do it.  Most "free" moments could be easily filled with laundry, spot cleaning, an extra mopping or washing of walls/ doors.  ;)  Yet, it is an extra blessing to meditate on humorous moments, sweet smiles, and heart captivating chats!  I have decided I will participate in the blog "Thankfulness month" theme. 

1. Salvation: There is nothing that compares to the value of knowing the one whom not only created me, but sent his son to die for my sins.  To personally know I have a home in heaven awaiting me... a mansion.  To be able to meet my Lord and savior!  There is nothing more comforting when someone passes to know you will meet them again in eternity!  My family can rest assure the old account was settled! 

2. My husband:  He works so hard to provide for our family.  He is the best husband and father he can be.  It is so precious to see him serve and his desire to serve the Lord, I am so grateful!

3. My children: The verse  "Ps 127:3  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." proves its worth everyday in our home!  In a nutshell, I love being a mommy!  It is such a blessing from the Lord.   What a goodly heritage to be blessed with a houseful of boys!

4. My families: We have been blessed in so many ways from family!  All through our lives at different seasons and during different portions of our lives we have been blessed by family, including church family!  Thank you, we love you!  I love you ~ Kerry  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A few things to pass a long I know my family and friends will enjoy!

As you know we love KFC!  Here is a coupon I thought I'd pass along to other KFC fans!
October was eye glass month in our household will pass along one of the eyeglass company ads.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Here are some Thanksgiving coloring pages too thanks to 123homeschool4me.
Thanksgiving Color by Number
Here is a free printable for your children or family fun time, thank you 3dinosaurs. 
30 Days Being Thankful -
In spite of sickness we did our baking.  Although the cookies were substituted with mocha cupcakes with chocolate mint frosting. :)    Here are a few photos from daily life.  The first is a lapbook.  They are new in our school this year for side research projects and books we read.  The first is a sample of a lapbook we are currently working on, they boys seem to love them.  They pick something extra they want to learn about and we lapbook it.  :)  Bryant loves sharks, so...
Open lapbook in progress
Right Flap
Open Flap

Here are some other photos of a few of our October days!

Picking Blueberries

Pumpkin Carving and some pies to follow!

Pumpkin Pie with extra pumpkin please!! (shh... the secret to my pies)
At the lake loving the beautiful fall day!

The amazing view shared with my precious family!

A shoe in the water.... bah ha ha.... Do you see it?
Neat clouds above.  A bit north east too.. :-)

Fun Bridge to play on with family for a quick visit!

Boys in the bridge!

One of the couple friends that made it in the house when cool weather came. 

Out of time, will post more when everything is set up better and running smoothly.  (And time prevails.. lol)

Good Morning, it's Saturday! It is such a blessing to have a day of relaxation. Now let me clarify, generally on Saturday we do not have a “set” schedule except in the evening.  Saturdays are however, usually steady and/or full. Saturday is also a day of extra baking. The kids love to be in the kitchen! It is so sweet that they want to be right there helping and taking part. As we say... "Many hands make light work." 
As I was reading in Nehemiah and thinking about the day before me, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.  When is the last time you were hard at work and you got pulled away to do something?  Maybe a phone call, an awaking baby, an unexpected visitor, etc.  Or do you have any undone projects you started a few days, months or even years ago?   There are verses and truths we know about having good character and, as I was reading in Nehemiah chapter four it said: 6  "So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work."  We then know Sanballat and Tobiah and all the others were wroth because they were building the walls of Jerusalem. So in verse  8  "And conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it."  So what did they do?  Quit, walk away, hurry and fight?  No, none of the above.  Half stood on watch and guard while the others went to work with weapons easily available in case they had to fight.  In a nut shell, nothing was going to get in the way.  Even Sanballat wanting to meet to get him to leave (4 different times, the 5th was a letter); his response was should the work cease?  The Lord protected the work of the wall in Jerusalem in spite of all the adversaries and distractions.   Your typical day may be very different then mine, but we can all agree on a few things. 
1.  We can all get distracted (some more easily than others)
2.  We all at some time or another have had an adversary.
3.  We all have a choice to carry on to completion OR stop and let the work cease.
Today we are determined amidst the distractions (no adversaries) we are going to work together and make bread, buns, cookies, southern BBQ and do a little lap booking and be done before lunch.  Let's see....  :-D!  My second oldest son loves to help me make bread, and well today I need to make buns for dinner to have with southern BBQ. I use a few different recipes, but one of the simplest recipes I use with the kids is “Momma's Winter Bread”.  I will post a recipe and/or easy bread lesson that you can make even if you've never made bread before; it's very simple.  Have a great day with your family!!  ~Kerry

Friday, November 1, 2013


We are so excited to plan our next trip.  The kids love to see family and friends, especially this time of year!  There may be some extra white stuff, so it won't look exactly the same.  :-D  Which of course will make the journey even more exciting! 

We are anxious to reach Duluth, MN.  It's a great stop anytime of year!  If nothing else, there is always something to do or somewhere to go if you have extra time.  However, we love the beach areas, museum, flowers and north shore.  All the little shops are great too!  Don't forget to check out Betty's Pies!!  Awesome Pie Shakes (They even had our favorite: Strawberry Rhubarb!) We'll be sure to post photos the next time we pass through!
Welcome! Here is our family blog.  Many suggestions have been made to include family and friends in some of our daily life and projects, so here it is!   Wha-la, Ta-dah, Wham!!  We love and miss you; we would like to include you in our lives more!  Photos of projects, ramblings, funny tidbits or even goofy "field trips" may be added if time allows. However, in advance I apologize for not updating regularly; this is not meant to be a "professional" blog.  Enjoy!