10. I'm thankful for a
good heritage. My mom and dads family were amazing growing up. There were very few memories that did not include family. Both of our grandparents had awesome descriptions of marriage. Standing by your spouse through thick and thin, for better or worse. Whether or not they know the detail of their influence; they greatly influenced my life as it is today! I praise the Lord often for a great family network growing up and description of what family should be like! The bible speaks of heritage (29) times, I think of a verse in psalms
"yea, I have a goodly heritage" Ps 16:6b

11. Values and skills of women and the people that taught me those things over the years. It is a blessing to look back and see things that I was taught early. It is amazing to think not just of hard work, labor and character skills; but also bread making, baking, sewing, canning, gardening, etc. Those skills have helped me so much and the time of not having to learn them was such a blessing. Our family has benefited so much because of those skills and the women that have taught me those, thank you! The bible talks about Godly women traits; I love Proverbs 31! Ladies in my life have helped me learn those duties and skills. I believe as I pray in thanks the Lord will continually bless them for doing so!!
12. Technology What a blessing to "be apart" of peoples lives from a distance. The doors of technology have blessed me in "seeing and hearing" family news and growth over the years. Praise the Lord, I love it and love all those babies too ;)
13. Work Work at home never ends, but I am referring to my husbands employer. What a great company! The stability of a job in our country is an asset to have. My husbands work has proven over and over up until this point to take care of their employees, it is a huge blessing and weight off our shoulders, praise the Lord!
14. Luxury. By that I don't mean just nice things, but their availability. Hearing missionaries, travelers, and visitors from other countries makes me so thankful. Right now we can go anywhere and pretty much "get it our way or how we want". We are not restricted in our country and rarely limited. If its a purchase and you can not find it, you can get it online in a few clicks. Or, a late night run, even out 20 miles out of town we have a late night gas station, we really are spoiled!
Health As the days go on, I notice I do not have and "order" anymore. Anyhow, I am thankful for good health. At anytime the Lord giveth and taketh away. Overall I have been spoiled. Even through the births of our children and two emergency surgeries; God has blessed me right back to health, he has been so good to me, I am so thankful for health!
All that I have In general, yes family, friends, health, home, running vehicles, etc... We most definitely are not rich in monetary funds, but definitely in Gods blessings. I have the honor and privileged to raise my family doing what I love, teaching! He has blessed me so much! One cannot put a $value on that.
A day of worship It is a blessing to have a place to go, a solid bible church. Not washed out by watered down truth or music, but a place to come and worship with other believers praising our wonderful Lord and savior! It enables me for the week with pieces to meditate, search out, or just praise him for. Praise God for the church!